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  1. Gereordwyrhta

    Êl síla erin lû e-govaned vîn.

    Êl síla erin lû e-govaned vîn.
  2. Gereordwyrhta

    How do the characters talk?

    I'm with you on Valarin needing to mostly be an invention, which is why I lean toward not using it for the series. (I am intimately familiar with the paucity of Valarin words, but I also believe there is more to go on than just this small wordlist, especially given other things Tolkien wrote...
  3. Gereordwyrhta

    A concept for the Ainulindalë and Iluvatar's theme that takes things literally

    I love this idea! Just add that we incorporate into this the individual themes of the Valar somehow.
  4. Gereordwyrhta

    Casting: Ethnicity and Migration Patterns of the First Age

    I'm so glad we're talking about this. Beyond the fancasting, the blog askmiddleearth has a great deal on analysis of race in Middle Earth that would also be a good point of reference at least for casting ideas (though as others are suggesting, should not limit us).
  5. Gereordwyrhta

    How do the characters talk?

    Well yes, you're right that 'equate' isn't quite accurate, but I was actually thinking of the 'Note to Translators.' I think, especially if the frame narrative is from the POV of Westron-speakers, that we should keep with Tolkien's system in LotR and keep Westron English like you said. As for...
  6. Gereordwyrhta

    How do the characters talk?

    The thing that makes me really resistant to English is how Tolkien so explicitly equated it with Westron, which doesn't exist until the late Second Age (at earliest). I think presenting the Elvish languages authentically, as they are (attempted) in the Jackson films, would be a daunting, but...