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  1. J

    Origin of Hobbits

    Listening to the podcast and the discussion of where hobbits and Drúadan came up. I have no input on the Drúadan question, but my head-cannon has always been that Hobbits were descended from Men and Dwarves. This is not only because of their stature, but also their constitution. We know from...
  2. J

    The Charge Laid on the Ring Bearer

    I just listened to session 225, and was surprised that one thing was not discussed about the charge laid on Frodo (the ring bearer). The two (three?) charges are not to throw it away, give it to the enemy or anyone else except the company (or council) at gravest need. However, I feel like...
  3. J

    Boromir's reaction to Elrond

    Thinking of Boromir's reaction to Elrond and the discussion we were having. To me the first reaction I had when considering his response in light of our considerations of Elrond's "until you stand once more on the boarders of your land, and dire need is on you" was to think of the many times in...
  4. J

    Questions: The moon is a Harsh Mistress

    Hello all, I have just finished reading (audio book version) the book and wanted to see what others thought of two thoughts I’ve had. First, how much are we supposed to admire and agree with prof for his political machination, especially as the book progresses? I think particularly of the...