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  1. Ennikan

    OT: Music in the podcast making for difficult listening

    Hi Corey, I am in the process of trying to catch up a second time (got to like ep. 130, fell off during Covid, now up to around 158). I love to listen on my long walks, just like I used to listen while commuting (commuting, what's that nowadays?!) I understand that part of your setup involves...
  2. Ennikan

    The connection of Smeagol's kin and hobbits

    After catching up and being current pre-Covid, I completely lost touch with the course for over a year - but have finally got back into the swing and once again am catching up. I'm still only on episode 150, where we're discussing Aragorn's fortunate finding of Gollum. At one point the...
  3. Ennikan

    Other Orc Problems: Amassing massive armies

    I was not able to consume the whole Orc Problem thread, so forgive me if this was covered, but it didn't seem to be the topic at hand. This sort of struck me in a recent watch of the movies, but it seems a problem in the book too, unless I am missing something obvious. Let's assume we have...
  4. Ennikan

    I hate to post this here but...

    Can't seem to figure out where else, or if you are aware. The podcast hasn't updated in ages. We're stuck on 125. I can't use YouTube, so I can't continue. Hoping you are aware, is there a fix coming?
  5. Ennikan

    If it's a spiritual battle, then let it be so.

    A lot of talk around the issue of tactics and the riders 2 sets of 2 riders not advancing. Corey came down that the first two simply could not make it into the dell, likely due to the strength of the Tale of Tinuviel. The second two were stopped by Frodo's speaking Elbereth as well as possibly...
  6. Ennikan


    I have been catching up on both Exploring LOTR and the Silmarillion series. (I'm another person who has binged on 64 episodes in like 3-4 weeks! Hope to join a live session soon.) Glorfindel's character always puzzled me, because we read of his death in the Silmarillion, but he later appears at...
  7. Ennikan

    Re-reading the series - how many times? :)

    This looks like the proper social forum to post this, so hopefully this isn't out of bounds. I'm sure the Tolkien die-hards here have re-read LOTR a crazy amount of times just like myself. When I get into a discussion about Tolkien with friends or family, the issue usually comes up, and I'll...
  8. Ennikan

    Gandalf receiving a message in the Shire

    Hello, I'm new here and just started listening to the series. Really enjoying it. Wanted to ask a question even though you are long past it, hope that is okay. Before Frodo leaves, Gandalf receives a message that disturbs him, and so of course he goes off, planning on being back for Frodo's...