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  1. Fin

    Rocks and grass...

    In the middle of listening to the last episode dealing with Legolas telling the fellowship what he is hearing from the rocks, grass and trees in Eregion . I have to say that I beleive that the rocks do remember the Noldor and how they delved and wrought them. I don't think that they are...
  2. Fin

    Wigend and the quest to level for Modor

    Been listening to Corey as usual, as most of us have been. Specifically his Gryflet stream on Friday's. He is wanting to take Wigend through the Mordor Book quest line on a up coming live stream marathon during a Support drive. Wigend is 104 at the moment, and he was planning on running him...
  3. Fin

    Looking ahead, and let us not forget...

    This last episode has just brought to mind something I have been struggling with for what now 80 years? only a few, can we not keep reading this work of literature, without stopping and thinking about what we "already know"? Lets face it, most of us that are really listing to this...
  4. Fin

    Letters from Uncle Bilbo

    I just finished listening to session 103 and have a couple questions about the talk of why Frodo does not know that Bilbo is in Rivendell. There was a lot of discussion about why Frodo never was told or, received a letter from Bilbo telling him where he ended up staying. There were some that...
  5. Fin

    Frodo not thinking clearly about The Gaffer and the Sackville-Baggins

    Just quick question about what I feel is a major fail on Frodo's part regarding the Sackville-Baggins and The Gaffer. One would think Frodo being a more then typical Hobbit of the Shire would have thought about what would happen to the Gaffer should he sell his beloved Bag End to the...
  6. Fin

    [Guide] What gear is out there for end game content

    What gear is out there for end game content. I was asked the question, What gear should I have for end game content? Like many aspects of LOTRO, there is no set answer to this question. I will give some information, and advice that I have received on this subject here, and let you all decide...
  7. Fin

    [Guide] Stat Caps, and where they should be for running T1 and T2 Content (105 Level)

    I want to post this information for anyone that is interested in trying group content either in Tier 1 (T1) or Tier 2 (T2). Trying to understand Stat caps can be a very confusing part of this game. I will try to make this a simple as possible for anyone wishing to understand this a bit more...