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  1. Nathan Dessonville

    The Fingering of the Horn

    Corey pointed out that Boromir blows his horn when he is about to step out and put forth, when he is taking action toward or against something. Indeed, his desire to literally use the ring to take action against Sauron can be seen expressed when he fingers the horn - he is thinking about the...
  2. Nathan Dessonville

    How I understand Elrond's comments

    It seems to me that we should approach Elrond's words through the lens of Gandalf's question: what shall we do with it? I don't read his words as random comments; there is a logical flow here, though it requires some assumptions, and I think it all intentionally leads to Bombadil. To...
  3. Nathan Dessonville

    Aragorn's Ancestry

    How meaningful would the revelation of Aragorn's ancestry be to the original reading audience? There certainly are references throughout the first book to the men of Numenor and the Kingdom of Arnor, but I think it is subtle enough that Tolkien's first time LOTR readers wouldn't catch on. I...