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  1. K

    Casting Melkor/Morgoth

    Thoughts on Ben Barnes?
  2. K

    Lesser Known Maia

    Does anyone have any thoughts on casting for some of the minor league players, specifically the Maia? Arien is my all time favorite ever so she is who I'm thinking of when posting this thread but it might be a good idea to have a casting thread for smaller role season one characters characters.
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    Thoughts on Idris Elba? If not Ulmo I definitely could see him as one of the valar.
  4. K

    Frame Narrative

    I personally like the potential frames discussed in episode 0-1 with it being following LOTR characters telling / hearing stories through out different points in their arc. My favorite candidates for those frame narrators would be Aragorn, Sam, Legolas and Gimli Faramir and Boromir One way to...
  5. K

    Frame Narrative

    YES! When they were discussing the frame narrative as being one of telling stories I immediately thought of The Storyteller. I personally havent seen it but its on my list of things I need to watch as I've heard such great things about it!
  6. K

    Episode 0-2

    I don’t know how I would describe the language use in Peter Jackson's films but I think they did a good job. I really enjoy Tolkien's ability to switch register when the situation calls for it and I think we should endeavor to imitate it as best we can. I definitely think there are moments when...
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    Possible Security Issue

  8. K

    Episode 0-1

    This is one of those topics that could very likely set the tone of the test of the theoretical Silmfilm so I'm very glad we are addressing it right off the bat. It's actually an issue that is cause for the most concern because the whole beginning sequences, Specifically the Ainlulindale, and...