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  1. S

    Need help completing Vol1-Book 7-Chapter 8/ Looking for a group

    Short term, looking for help completing Vol 1 - Book 7 - Chapter 8; “Gates of Carn Dum” instance. Long term, would love to find a few folks at my experience level to play with on a regular basis. I’ve been playing about a year; my main is a level 51 hobbit burglar. I haven’t played any other...
  2. S

    Let's group up for scavenging!

    Lorincera (level 39 Burgler) would love some help finishing the "Frodo" quest. Still need to get to Amon Hen, Dead Marshes, and Henneth Annun. Am also working on the Towering Monuments, but need alot more to finish. Everything from the Gate of Shadows forward. Thanks!