Search results

  1. Cyneburga

    New Old Norse Blog - Tattoos and Tooth Modification

    For those of you who have take Old Norse or have an interest in all things Viking, Grimfrost (amazing online Viking shop if you don't know it) sent out a blog recently that was incredibly interesting regarding Viking tattoos and tooth modification. Just wanted to share. :) Tattoos and Teeth...
  2. Cyneburga

    The One Ring - How Many Can We Find?

    Starting with Old Norse, since that class is about to start: Þrír hringar fyrir álfakonungunum undir himni Three rings for elf-kings-the under heaven Sjáu fyrir dvergadróttnunum í þeira steinhöllum Seven for dwarf-lords-the in their stone-halls Níu fyrir mönnum dauðligum ok dauðadœmdum...