Boulders - Tom Bombadil; Horses - Frodo's Dream


I'm a few episodes behind, so sorry for the delay.

In reference to why horses and boulders, let's think about the times horses and boulders are referenced in the text with respect to being saved from a spiritual attack. In the house of Tom Bombadil, Frodo dreams of the Black Riders, and then the sound of galloping, which is probably Gandalf riding to the rescue on a horse. Secondly, in the barrow, what sound does Frodo hear after singing the song? The sound of rolling and grinding boulders.

Perhaps Gandalf didn't know why he imaged the horses and boulders, but felt it was the thing to do. Alternatively, perhaps from afar, he discerned these two images would evoke rescue in Frodo's mind.

This idea would be more compelling if the Bombadil text used the words "rolling and grinding boulders."