Casting Melkor/Morgoth


New Member
We should consider HBO series Eastbound and Down's Danny McBride for the role of Melkor /Morgoth. He has a wickedness that is natural-seeming, without being morbidly stark about evil. And I think that, with all the Ainur, there should be one main actor serving in capacity of character looks and distinguishing mannerisms/features. Remember, there are already scads of opportunities for viewers to be confused by large numbers of roles.

While I think Del Toro would work great as Morgoth, I'm not so sure he could visually pull off Melkor. We need an actor that can play the whole spectrum with Melkor...unless we want to change actors.
While I think Del Toro would work great as Morgoth, I'm not so sure he could visually pull off Melkor. We need an actor that can play the whole spectrum with Melkor...unless we want to change actors.
Yes, good point. I agree. And I don't think we should change actors. So, either we find someone who fits both Melkor and Morgoth, or maybe focus on finding someone who can do Melkor, and then turn him into Morgoth with make up and effects?
How about Michael Fassbender? He could play the magnificent, narcissistic, glorious Melkor, and his fall.
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I think Edgar Ramirez may do a credible job as Melkor. If nothing else, he's already got "antagonistic god" on his résumé... (Wrath of the Titans).
Perhaps it would be a waste to have Fassbender play Melkor after all. He is a really good actor, maybe the part of Melkor is mostly covered up in CGI or armour? It could be better to cast him as one of the elves, maybe Elwë.
And for Melkor, we should focus on someone with a really good, dynamic voice.
I would like to throw another name into the ring: Julian Bleach. He is a great actor and can look suave/creepy. He also has a lot of credentials with make-up/CGI.
I still hope we can agree on an actor who can be both narcissistically glorious and a cruel, dark tyrant.
To me, the two main guys I would like to see as Melkor are still Fassbender or Cumberbatch. They are both capable of a good deal of both cold distance and charm. In the most recent podcast, it seemed like we will definitely want to see Melkor's face during his interactions with Varda, certainly, and of course Osse, Mairon, and what-not.
To me, the two main guys I would like to see as Melkor are still Fassbender or Cumberbatch. They are both capable of a good deal of both cold distance and charm. In the most recent podcast, it seemed like we will definitely want to see Melkor's face during his interactions with Varda, certainly, and of course Osse, Mairon, and what-not.
I guess I'm still with you there, if there will be faces while these guys still keep up a facade of being good.