New Stream Idea - Play Me a Story

Link travels to the Isle of Gust, the only source of spice in the entire Sea. After an attempt on his life, Link escapes deep into the desert, where he is able to survive thanks to the Seven Sage's Bene Gesserit teachings, as well as help from the local Gerudo. Link must now spin some windmills and gather forces so he can overthrow the vile Baron Harkonnendorf, and restore peace to the lands!

Ok, so some of that may have been Dune, not Zelda, but Link DOES have to evade giant worms in the sand, so it all counts.

Knights of the Old Republic 2 ended rather abruptly, but there's still plenty to discuss! From storytelling to themes, let's take a look at the Knights of the Old Republic games as a whole!

We're going to magic school to learn how to be a wizard! We'll escape dragons, explore ruins, and put on an old hat; and that's all before we even begin our first class! Iron your robes and trim your broomstick, because we're enrolling in Hogwarts Legacy!

Link is swiftly learning that this game is all about drawing. He has to draw on doors to open them. He has to draw on maps to remember details. He has to draw his sword to fight monsters. He even has to draw treasure chests up from the depths of the Sea! Link just hopes this doesn't lead to drawing and quartering, though that would certainly draw a crowd.

It's our first day of magic school, and we have four years of study to catch up on, so let's run around exploring before going to class! Our guidebook even helps us collet information on various parts of the school, so clearly this is part of our education and not just us getting distracted. There are statues, artifacts, and tapestries galore to examine; though, a concerning number of them seem to memorialize magical mishaps and accidents. Perhaps it's best for us not to be TOO adventurous...

Link has acquired all the Spirits, and can track down the Ghost Ship! While searching for Tetra, we help out several sisters who reward us by challenging us to a game of Dead Man's Volley. We've played similar games before, and it's not like they're Gorons asking us to dance, so how bad could it possibly be?

Link has a lot on his plate this week! He has to catch mermaids, shoot frogs, and go fishing; and that doesn't even include anything related to the main quest! Eventually, Link will need to go find the three pure metals so he can get a powerful sword; but first, he needs to do a little cartography!

After a long, grueling day of classes at Hogwarts, followed by some intense homework to help us catch up with our classmates, we can take a well-deserved rest exploring Hogsmeade! There are candy shops, book shops, joke shops, and wand shops! Some shops even send orders directly to their customers via magic, so it's as convenient as shopping online! Why, it appears we even have some trolls coming just to review bomb the village!

After finding another sea chart, we make it to a new section of the sea, and find an island of Gorons! They're chief is named Biggoron, but he's the smallest Biggoron we've ever seen. Maybe it has something to do with the Gorons at this time eating Wood Hearts to grow, rather than eating rocks and metal like in previous games. Maybe we can save up enough rupees to buy the chief a huge feast of Shields.
