Next Silm Film Session 4-21 to be held on August 1st


Staff member
Just a heads up to everyone that the next episode of the Silmarillion Film Project will be next week Thursday from 10-12 Eastern Time. We'll be discussing Dragons and any other creative content topics you wish to raise.

Session 4-22 will be held on August 22nd and will cover episodes 10 and 11.
Session 4-23 will be held on September 5th and will cover episodes 12 and 13 (the Season Finale).

Everyone who is registered for GoToWebinar for Season 4 of Silm Film should get an e-mail update with those times scheduled.
On second thought we should probably flip those topics and finish up Episodes 10 & 11 first:

Just a heads up to everyone that the next episode of the Silmarillion Film Project will be next week Thursday from 10-12 Eastern Time. This session will cover episodes 10 and 11.

Session 4-22 will be held on August 22nd and we'll be discussing Dragons and any other creative content topics you wish to raise.

Session 4-23 will be held on September 5th and will cover episodes 12 and 13 (the Season Finale).