Protecting Bilbo from Further Influence?


New Member
Catching up and I reached Episode 142 where there was a discussion on why Elrond interrupted Bilbo from discussing his departure from the Ring. For further context, part of the discussion was protecting him from the shame on how he departed with it.

Anyway, maybe Elrond is preventing specifically Bilbo from telling this story? He seems to put the emphasis on letting Frodo (or some other neutral-ish third party) on telling the story of Bilbo's party. Up until this point, the council has been recalling stories of people lying to themselves about their possession of the ring, implying the Ring is leveraging this as a means to further corrupt them.

Perhaps Elrond is anticipating Bilbo possibly lying about his departure, opening the door for Bilbo to be re-seduced by the Ring? I only think of this because of Elrond's rather abrupt interruption saying, "... for now it suffices to know that the Ring passed to Frodo..." In other words, "Remember friend, you gave up the Ring. End of story."

Anyway, just a thought.


p.s. -- loved meeting you all at New England Moot! I expect to be in the live discussion by the New Year!