Regarding the field trip - touching on the music?


New Member
Hello! I have been listening to Exploring Middle Earth for a while now, and as an avid LOTRO player as well I find the field trips very interesting and informative to see how Standing Stone have fleshed out the world of Middle-Earth. However as a big soundtrack fan I realized that the music in the areas has not been addressed, and while I agree it might not always be relevant since the songs are reused a few times depending on the tracks, but is unique in some areas. In both games and movies, music is used to build atmosphere and evoke different kinds of feelings, and even tell the player or viewer something about the context in which it plays in. If the context is known, perhaps the music is also telling something about the story and general atmosphere for the area? (I.E the rural music of the Shire, or the both mystical and playful flute that plays in Tom Bombadil's house) So, it would be interesting if the music that plays in the areas during the field trips could be touched upon as well, and possibly what it symbolizes and what feelings it evokes in order to get a better understanding of how the place is imagined by the LOTRO crew.

Thank you for a great listening experience in these times.
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