Thoughts on Green-elves.


Active Member
I have some ideas for Green-elves or similar cultures. Probably should have posted in Season 2, but wasn't able. Have spent some time in the forest recently, and got inspired.

They should most likely use a lot of wood, and be master carpenters. Containers are either basketry or "coopery" (of barrel construction, don't know the English term), and not pottery. They might also "grow" wood to their advantage, like shelters etc. When making larger object, they could use stitching with tree-fiber "rope" like yew or willow. Naturally they would use the different types of wood, based on it's abilities.

Clothing should probably be mainly of plant-fiber, as they are unlikely to have sheep or similar. Also plants are easier to gather than furs and skins. They might use greens and browns when hunting, but I think they should use more colours at other times. I think all elves should like colours.

The Green-elves are viewed as archers, which I think many should be. But also I think they might use light javelins, possibly with atl-atl. This can carry more omph than an arrow, and in (dense)forest, arrows might not have that much of a superior range. When fighting orcs they can use light basketry shields for protection. They are described as ill-equipped, and few should have any type of armour. I made a "sketch":
Love all of that. I also think that they could use gourds for containers, which can be grown into shapes as you desire:


As far as wicker shields, what do you think of using those in conjunction with something like this:


It's a wooden sword-club used by the Aztecs. Each side is fitted with blades made from obsidian, which can be extremely sharp.
Leather shield over wicker basket type backing (Ethiopian):


They have them with metal plates as well, but I figured a plain/nonmetal example would be good for the green elves.
Didn't think of gourds, but they are a great idea. The Aztec sword-club is also something to be considered. Most likely used by leaders, in my view. Most of the Green-elves should use weapons made for hunting, and act as light skirmishers. My impression of them is that they are not a warrior-society.
Didn't think of gourds, but they are a great idea. The Aztec sword-club is also something to be considered. Most likely used by leaders, in my view. Most of the Green-elves should use weapons made for hunting, and act as light skirmishers. My impression of them is that they are not a warrior-society.
I agree with keeping the Green-Elves relatively non-martial. I had the same concern about the shields, too, as they are pretty much only useful in combat with armed individuals. Limiting it to a very small warrior population makes sense.
Know the Green-Elves are minor players, but I have a liking for forests, so I have been thinking a little bit about them. They should be somewhat economical egalitarian in my view, so even if they have "nobles" and rulers, they should not be very much richer than the majority. Inspired by the early Slavs, who also were forest-dwellers. I view them as living in small family settlements scattered throughout the forests. They might have small fields growing some crops, some small flocks of cattle of some sort, and do some hunting and fishing. But being more in tune with nature, they will harvest much more by "managing" the natural forest, and by gathering, than humans have done historically. As an example the Green-Elves helps a patch of hazel-nuts, so it yields more than if it only grows wild.
Great ideas! I also see them as egalitarian. They have a leader initially, Denethor, but after his death they shouldn't elect a new one. They're basically hunters/gatherers I think but the idea of helping nature as the example you give with the hazel-nuts is wonderful.

They are also closely connected to the Ents. How does this affect their lifestyle?
Great ideas! I also see them as egalitarian. They have a leader initially, Denethor, but after his death they shouldn't elect a new one. They're basically hunters/gatherers I think but the idea of helping nature as the example you give with the hazel-nuts is wonderful.

They are also closely connected to the Ents. How does this affect their lifestyle?
Agree with Haakon on this. Not much in the form of government.

If the Green-Elves are friends with the Ents, they can get some help from them. If the Green-Elves for instance need a clearing, they don't chop down the trees, they get the Ents to herd the trees away. Or they know how to herd trees themselves. It might take some years, but elves have time. Things like this. Trying to avoid needles destruction of nature.