Liam Hemsworth-
WHAT!?! He's not the Rock!?
Yeah, I never actually jumped on that bandwagon. Sorry for being a hater.
Liam Hemsworth has already been nominated by someone else for Eonwe, but I personally think he would be just as good a fit as Tulkas. For starters, he's a spritely young 26 years old. Also, he's blonde (and not the photoshop kind.) The most important trait of Tulkas is that he's a fighter; the paragon of athleticism and competition; Arda's Heracles or Thor.
"Thor you said?"
Why, yes. Yes I did say Thor. It's funny you should mention that I mentioned it, because the actor who plays Tulkas would need to be norse-godishly massive (yes, professional wrestler massive- I'll give Dwayne that one.) Now we all know that Liam Hemsworth at the very least has the
genetic capabilities to get to pull it off. And if Hollywood can turn a Ben Affleck into a Batman, they sure as heck can turn this Prince of Thunder into the Champion of the Valar.
[For the record: No, I have no intention of nominating
Miley Cyrus for Nessa.]