Why Boromir makes the suggestion of bringing firewood?


Well-Known Member
The class wondered why Boromir suggested bringing wood for the trip over the pass. Didn't he think that Aragorn and Gandalf would have thought of this?

I suggest that he might have considered that Gandalf and Aragorn had thought of this and rejected it. Which Boromir felt was a mistake.

Boromir (I think) thinks that Gandalf (and Elrond) are overly concerned with secrecy. He wound his horn when setting out from Rivendell, much to Elrond's displeasure. Boromir thinks that his Divine Dream has been answered. Providence is on his side. Secrecy is not really necessary. 'Deus Vult', 'God Wills It', all will work out now!

Boromir thinks that Gandalf is overly obsessed with secrecy, and inadequately concerned with safety. Boromir probably also thinks that Aragorn (who ought to know better) is overly deferring to Gandalf's wishes. So, even if Aragorn might normally advocate carrying wood into the pass, Boromir suspects that he might not, because he knows that Gandalf would not like the idea of fire on the mountain.

So, Boromir, in a pretty diplomatic fashion, manages to get the firewood (which turns out to be a life saver) carried up the pass.

Well done Boromir! Rather good at managing skillfully around the leaders of the party, to the benefit of all.