Recent content by RaineJen

  1. R

    A Wizard of Earthsea

    In case you all didn't know, this Thing. of. Beauty. exists, and it also got a Hugo in the one-off "Best Art Book" category this year! If anyone is looking to buy A Wizard of Earthsea and all its sequels, I highly recommend this stunningly gorgeous hardback.
  2. R

    November, 2018 NaNoWriMo

    So the boy finds the hoard, sees a book in it (which inflames his desire to become literate) and takes it, (then unclear something something quest something diary something plot thickens something,) resulting in him eventually slaying the dragon, but he finds that the book, not being back in the...
  3. R

    November, 2018 NaNoWriMo

    This all sounds like fun. How do we organize? Is this a matter of take a plot, write a chapter each, or collaborate on every chapter, or...?? Totally way too ambitious and beyond my ability and level of knowledge: the chapters from the boy’s perspective are the boy’s diary written in Middle...
  4. R

    NaNoWriMo 2017 -

    Hi! I just made a NaNoWriMo account for the first time. Not exactly sure what to do with it. Or, rather, a favorite author posted that she was writing a novel for NaNoWriMo so I signed up in order to see her page's blurb (that'd be this one) Then I said to myself, "oh, well, I'm here, I might...