Mythgard on LOTRO

Welcome to Mythgard! The Mythgard kinship in The Lord of the Rings Online (Landroval server) is the Middle-earth representative of the Mythgard Institute of Signum University ( We are an inclusive kinship, welcoming members of other kins to our activities and always ready to team up with another kin of fun and adventure. Our founder, Corey Olsen (also known as The Tolkien Professor) is also founder (and president) of Signum University, and is a world class Tolkien scholar as well as an avid gamer. We are expanding our LOTRO activity across more servers via Corey's in-game course "Exploring The Lord of the Rings," walking slowly through the trilogy, doing some close reading. The course is open to everyone. See the forum for the course here for more details. We welcome you here and hope to see you in game as well.

"Exploring The Lord of the Rings"

This section is for anyone interested in the course being taught by Corey Olsen about JRR Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. It is an in-depth, close reading of the trilogy which will bring in other works that impacted the story and which will consider new angles and aspects. It is taught by Corey's loremaster Narnion, a man of Gondor, from within LOTRO. The course is open to anyone who is interested. Being part of LOTRO is not required, as all classes will be streamed live via the Signum University Twitch channel ( and will be uploaded to the Signum University Youtube channel.