Could the ring just be patient?

A lot was made in episode 6 of how the ring either can't plan or is terrible at planning. But is it possible that its plan is simply to only be used by Sauron? So, while it knew Sauron was too weak to use it, it was content to lie at the bottom of a river for 2500 years?

This is supported by the fact that the ring's influence made Gollum go hide for 700 years when Sauron wasn't around (again, waiting) but made him want to set himself up as a King (easily found) once Sauron is around. Instinct could explain this too, but there's nothing in it which rules out a long term plan.

It makes a lot of sense if the ring is really on Sauron's side and can plan, because the ring can be broken to the will of a strong enough person, but we also know that takes time. Would a ring loyal to Sauron want to give such a person 3000 years to try?

(this is not my preferred interpretation, but I don't think we can dismiss the possibility as cavalierly as we did)
I feel like the text doesn't suggest this interpretation, and specifically that the Ring passes up a number of chances at escape or some other sort of ploy which would more directly convey it to Sauron over the course of the trilogy if it really had that level of sapience. But I can't seem to think of any specific examples off the top of my head, so ...