A Merry's attraction post scriptum: The Nazgul "force" : A quest ring over their head?


New Member
I have been catching up with Exploring Lord of the rings for a long time now, and I'm starting to wonder if I ever will (yes, even though the pace is what it is), and have recently listened to episode 60 and the start of 61 when I realized something interesting about what could have been the cause of Merry's attraction to the Black rider in Bree.

The Nazgul usually delegate ill-willed people such as Bill Fernley to do their dirtywork. However, because of their inherently horrifying nature, it is not far-fetched to imagine that even people such as Bill might be too scared to even dare to interact properly with them. If I were Bill and could even sell my own child for the money, I still think I would run away if a ghastly robed figure that gave me a sensation of creeping horror promised me a reward for a favour. So, perhaps the Nazgul has an unconscious spell or enchantment that draws people to it in order for them to be able to delegate tasks? This could be what other power Merry feels when he sees the Nazgul on his nightly stroll, and could also explain why they are able to persuade or otherwise influence not one but two men even if their most natural instinct would be to run from an intimidating figure. I'd like to think of it as a "quest marker" for the Nazgul, hence the name.