Episode 36 -- hope and despair ; transplanting


Active Member
Wow, I just watched Ep 36 with CO, MP, and the handsome olive-jacket gentleman who works with the studio and, goodness gracious, we need to cross-reference every issue touched by CO in the entire Signum/Mythgard oeuvre with ExLotR.

The idea of "moving Tolkien themes around" (e.g. putting one person's speech in another person's mouth; or having the "hope and despair" theme reach a climax not at Minas Tirith as it does in the book but instead at Helms Deep in the movies) requires that we first have a theory of Tolkien themes. I hope that we can keep working on that, because the idea that Peter Jackson moved things around, shuffled them, split and recombined them--but that all the elements are recognizable Tolkien themes: that is so rich, but requires a lot of substantive tool building.

I loved the idea that Galadriel in the book had already quite a while ago passed the test of the Ring by the time Frodo offered it to her; but that for the movies the test was made concurrent with the offer, for dramatic effect.

What a great episode. (Obviously I'm behind.)

[I guess I am reacting, after a long time, against the statement regularly made in OMAH that "that's not what we are doing here". That's said a lot on OMAH; I want to know what we *are* doing here. And the idea of slicing, dicing, rearranging, and yet somehow always using Tolkien themes, seems very interesting, but really requires a theory of what Tolkien themes are. Then you can say an adaptation was masterful, because it really captured the spirit, even though it had to do change this or that because what works on the page won't necessarily work on the screen.]
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