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  • As much as I could happily abuse the gift before me, am I meant to have admin permissions? All of a sudden I can edit and delete other peoples' comments. Somebody stop me before I go mad with power...
    Rob Harding
    Hmm it’s all back to normal now
    Apparently, there was a mistake in the permissions on some of the forums. Keli has fixed it. Glad you didn't succumb to temptation and abuse your unexpected power! 😉
    Rob Harding
    Consider yourselves all lucky. I could've just edited everyone's comments to say how great I was. But I learnt from Uncle Ben.
    Absolutely apropos of nothing: has anyone watched RRR? It’s a masterpiece. If not, don’t watch a trailer or read a review. Just load it up on Netflix and strap in.
    Are trolls entwives?
    Rob Harding
    All assumptive though. It’s not a hard no. IF orcs are created from elves (and there in is the mockery) there’s nothing to say the tragedy of the entwives isn’t in death, but perhaps a similar corruption. There’s no evidence for or against in the text. But a lack of evidence doesn’t make it unviable. At the very least, there’s a clear comparison drawn to a possible precedent.
    The Entwives were alive and well in the Second Age, living in what became the Brown Lands north of Mordor. That is where their gardens were. Trolls were developed in the First Age in Beleriand.
    Rob Harding
    Ah poo, that is true.

    Saw it as a proposed idea online and just fell in love with it for the pathos of it all. Boo to timelines lol
    I meant to hide a post/thread from public view while I tweaked it. Accidentally deleted it. I’d there any way to get it back?
    Rob Harding
    It was under general chat I believe. Special interests. It was my Beren and Luthien pitch ideas. I believe that’s where I’d posted it. Thanks
    Rob Harding
    We’re you able to find what happened to this. I realised I had given the wrong navigation of that’s the issue I *think* it was in Special Interest- Chatter if that helps
    I was not able to find it. If you deleted the entire thread, it may be gone. You can ask Sparrow, as she manages the Creative Writing forums here.
    After lots of soul-searching I've come to accept something about myself I long suspected was true: I prefer the films tbh
    Can someone suggest a human name for just some random kid living a subsistence lifestyle as part of a family unit in the wilds of middle Earth. Circa first age. Few generations into humans being a thing. A settled farming off shoot. Female names seem easier as you can kind of pick a flower and be like ‘that’s a name.’ Cant think of a make equivalent I like or one that sounds Tolkienesque
    Rob Harding
    Super helpful stuff. Thank you
    Rob Harding
    What if his name was Mik? Adunaic I believe so not sure it fits entirely. But I like that it means Baby Boy. Which is funny as this character is simply known as 'Boy' until he speaks and reveals his name. Which would be funny if you knew the meaning of Mik
    Cnapa - which I did suggest above - means "boy" in OE too, so we were thinking along the same lines already. ;-)
    Nicholas Palazzo
    Nicholas Palazzo
    Unfortunately, the author the article is referring to is not alone in hatred of Tolkien for what he *thinks* Tolkien is saying.
    Rob Harding
    I think what’s more fascinating is that he clearly doesn’t think that. At least, not until his own efforts were spurned then he just had this huge reactionary hatred which is baseless. But hilariously transparent. I don’t mind people disliking Tolkien. There’s plenty of critical readings that are valid and could lead to dislike based on personal preference. It’s the clear vendetta I find wild.
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    Reactions: Odola
    Oh lol he’s of course well known in Sweden. An eccentric who regrettably went increasingly more and more…unstable. His translation of the Lord of the Rings have wonderful qualities but unfortunately he took some liberties with the material… I haven’t read that book but it’s clear that it’s nothing anyone should take seriously.
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