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  • Oh I’ve had so much else on my mind since about a year or so. Trying to keep up with Silmfilm but I can’t deny I’ve lost touch, forgot about details and decisions. I’m sorry about it, I don’t want it to be this way. Hopefully, better times will come.
    I think that the schedule for Season 5 lent to a sense of disconnect and remoteness. Topics were discussed long before the episodes, so there was a lot of 'do you recall when we were first talking about this a year ago' to the conversations. Hopefully Season 6 will be much more immediate, due to the nature of the text.
    And this past year has been a long and rough one for a lot of reasons, so I hope that you are well, and I wish you all the best. I always eagerly anticipate your perspective when you are able to contribute here!
    Thanks MithLuin! Yeah you are right about the schedule. But also, we have now had so many discussions, and been going on for quite a while, so it's not something you keep updated with unless you think about it fairly often. 🙂 Well, I have to say, this season (5) went really welll, as far as I can see. Good job, guys!
    Haha, I was up early and managed to catch a few minutes of the Webinar, was barely awake and made a couple of confused comments… Luckily, Corey ignored them. 🙂
    I am glad you were able to pop in! 🙂
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    Reactions: Haakon
    Hey did you see the first picture from the LOTR on Prime series? With…Valinor
    Here is Corey Olsen talking about it:
    On Twitch
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    Ilana Mushin
    Ilana Mushin
    I have to say I was totally speechless - but in a good way. I think it is a beautiful image. The more I look at it the more I’m leaning towards the figure being Galadriel wearing an up do - the hair is in shadow so hard to see the colour. But the white clothing would fit.
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    Reactions: Haakon
    Yes I agree it has to be Galadriel.
    Looking through the casting nominations we've done, I'm struck by a number of faces that return again and again. Will we ever find a role for Oscar Isaac (who didn't get to play Melkor, Mandos, Fingolfin, Fingon or Barahir, for example) or for Krysten Ritter, Eddie Redmayne, Edward Norton, Kaya Scodelario and the others?
    Perhaps we just haven't found the right role; perhaps some people don't think these 'look' like Tolkien characters.....
    In that case, what qualifies as a 'look' for Tolkien characters?
    They have been nominated multiple times, which probably means that some people (myself included) are of the opinion that they have the right look, or at least thought so at the time they nominated them. A few of them - I guess - haven't been chosen because they are too well liked, voters want them for some bigger role or a specific role.
    I have gone through all of the casting nominations (S1-5) and edited all those who were chosen, adding "EDIT: WAS CHOSEN; OK BY EXECS"
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    Reactions: MithLuin
    That will be very helpful moving forward!
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    Reactions: Haakon
    In the wonderful joy of feeling good about adding helpful structure, I also started an editing spree to add comments on nominations showing that a certain actor or actress were chosen to play some other role, at the time or later. It’s pure madness, I know.
    I took a look at the casting votes that have come in so far. We have some close calls, so if you want to make a difference, cast your votes!
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    Reactions: MithLuin
    I gave a reminder about casting at Mythmoot today, so hopefully there are some folks who are interested.
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    Reactions: Haakon
    Yeah thanks, something happened.
    What? An anime about the Rohirrim?
    Yeah I saw this. Not going to try to dive too deep before it is viewable. Ready to be entertained.
    I’m generally positive to this kind of thing. I’m a bit surprised though
    Funnily enough Topcraft, the animation studio that animated the 1977 Hobbit film, was a precursor to Studio Ghibli.
    Casting nominations have closed! Please be patient, I will post a link to the voting poll in a few days.
    Ok about CASTING NOMINATIONS: All characters have at least one nomination at this point. But we need a little more than ten (11-12?) nominees to give every character at least three alternatives. Please nominate! We have just a few days more.
    Looks like we’ll need something like another 25 nominations for our casting before we can do voting. Keep them coming, people! Just look closely at the instructions before posting. Thanks!
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