A name for "Bree"

Gûrig and grad/gorod look and sound quite different to me.

still the o become an "u" in some renditions, and the stem is GRD/ GR / GR(d)K - e.g. gród/gródek (little "gród") and for the distance from GRK to GRG of Gûrig is not very far. Better to avoid if doable. BTW all those words are related to English "garden"= a guarded, fenced off place.
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I don't have any problems with that, anyways it was just a suggestion...
I am just telling why it is better to avoid any GR.. word as the connotation for Slavic speakers are very strong for this particular stem (actually German "Grenze" = border comes from it, too) - as such I am just commenting on your suggestions.
Generally as Tolkien's work is supposed to have a North-Western feel to it, Slavic feeling words in it break the immersion for Slavic speakers... They get like "Hey, this is our word... - what is it doing so far West"?
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Doesn't seem to be any cl8ser to slavic tham umbar or mûmak to arabic, nevermind incanús to latin.