A newcomer’s late post about Tom Bombadil


New Member
I just started listening to Exploring Lord of the Rings a couple weeks ago and I am currently on session 35. I know it has been long covered but I wanted to throw in my two cents or opinion about what/who is Tom Bombadil. If this has been discussed already or i’m beating a dead horse too much then please ignore.

It has always been my own pet theory or idea that Tom is simply a spirit but the spirit of Arda itself. This is how Tom could have been there before the elves and how he is eldest. This could be proven incorrect by something in the text that I have missed but it is a simple enough solution for my own imagination. Almost as if when Illuvatar creates Arda, Tom is a glitch in the system that appears with it. This would create a limit to how much Tom can do, simply being a spirit, albeit an important one, but not an all powerful being. This could be why he has a connection with Goldberry, who is also a spirit, and be why he is revered by the elves. Again if this has been brought up before I will simply remain quiet for another 225 sessions as penance. Thanks!