Adventure Comes to the Shire Questions

Brian Mason

New Member
Apologies for being old topics, but I've just started going through the material and am enjoying it very much.

I had two questions related to topics that came up in the "Adventure Comes to the Shire" episode.

1. The Bagginses as landowners. Do we know they are not? There is a passage in the Prologue :

" ... these again into a number of folklands, which still bore the names of some of the old leading families, although by the time of this history these names were now longer found in their proper folklands. Nearly all Tooks still lived in Tookland, but that was not true of many other families, sych as the Bagginses or Boffins."

Maybe these represent the smaller regions administered by the "leading families" and here the families had tenants, kind of like Mr Darcy in P&P.

2. The lack of Blackbreath effect on the Gaffer. Maybe this is something the Nazgul can control (turn on or off) depending on the circumstances. In "intelligence gathering mode" it would be advantageous to turn in off.

Enjoying the slow walk ...
