For Angelica's use: The matter of the mirror


New Member
I'm trying to listen through the backlog during late nigths, to get to the present episodes. I might have nodded off some way back there, but I seem to remember in the episode of Bilbo's farewell gifts, that Cory was asking why in Middle-earth Bilbo owned a convex mirror. He also seemed a bit worried about Angelica's reaction. Would it be too harsh on her?

A convex mirror is of course a woman's make-up mirror, as the convex glass makes it a magnifying mirror. And Bilbo being a bachelor, obviously must have inherited this from his mother, Belladonna Took. As Belladonna was of a wealthy family, and as Bilbo had taken care of her mirror for all the years after her death, it must have been quite a heirloom, and just not another mathom. I presume a frame of victorian style silver plated engravings at least.

So giving Angelica his mother's mirror, with a tongue-in-cheek joke, would be a kind gift from old uncle Bilbo, and probably warmly received by her.
