Metrical Structure of the Ring Verse


New Member
Hello, I just found this and am on Episode 6 in which Cory discusses the Ring Verse. Cory mentions how the two lines that come directly from Sauron are in Iambic meter, starkly contrasting the Trochaic meter of the rest of the poem, but I was wondering if anyone else saw a strange similarity to traditional alliterative verse in those two lines (note that I know almost nothing about medieval poetry) The line split with a caesura followed by a line not split seems fairly common in alliterative verse and is quite pronounced in the ring verse. If this is supposed to be reminiscent of alliterative verse, is Tolkien referencing the fact that Evil cannot create and can only copy or corrupt by the fact that Sauron's poetic prowess seems limited to alliterating One Ring with One Ring with One Ring?
Felarof ᛩ
Haha, alliteration solely through repetition is not very creative, it's true! Sounds like something a student would do to get around completing the assignment ;)