Alright, here's a drawing of my idea (expanded to a 15x15 board but that may end up being unnecessary now that I look at it). Letters represent pieces. The rules are as follows:
The Island player has 17 pieces (E for
Elf). They move two orthogonal spaces on their turn (these can sum to one diagonal move).
The outside player has 20 pieces of differing type: four Commanders (C), eight cavalry (V), and eight infantry (I). The commanders move like a chess queen, but a maximum of five spaces. The cavalry move like the Elves. The Infantry move one orthogonal space.
The Island player wins if they capture (capturing occurs as in chess) all pieces of the opponent, except three of their commanders (which may be captured but are not necessary). The Outside player wins if they bring all of their commanders to the center nine squares (but may substitute 2 cavalry for each commander).
The rules of the lake are as follows: the Elves may cross the lake at will. The Outside player's pieces must cross at the boat spaces, and must
stop on the space before continuing.
Now, I've not playtested this at all to see if it is balanced, so feel free to critique it or offer alternative rules or setups.
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