Session 200 Weather Top


New Member
This may be addressed later as I'm still catching up but I had a thought. We were discussing if the Witch King had been blown out of his cloak by Frodo on Weather Top and if this meant a temporary uncloaking. Pure speculation on my part but what if the Witch King had been truly uncloaked? If I recall correctly they don't run into the Ring Wraiths for a while afterwards. So my theory is that the Wraiths, having the power of Sauron in them, are capable of re-cloaking each other if at least some number of them are available. Perhaps how long this takes would depend on how many still cloaked Wraiths are available to help.
The black cloaks are real cloaks. Losing his cloak, the Witch King would have become invisible (uncloaked). All he would need to do to become cloaked again would be to put on a spare cloak, which he, or one of his cronies might have had in their saddlebags.
Yes the black cloaks are real cloaks. But the discussion was about when Gandalf says they need to find out if the riders had been uncloaked and unhorsed and it was decided that uncloaked meant more than simply losing their physical cloaks. It was decided that this meant they had lost their ability to interact with the physical world and had to return to Mordor to be recloaked by Sauron.
So my idea, rather than simply a question, is when Frodo was able to force the Witch King to flee on Weather Top I believe it was a true uncloaking rather than simply a physical one. And the only reason the Witch King didn't have to return to Mordor then to be recloaked by Sauron was if the other Riders could help him assuming enough of them remained cloaked.
I'm sorry if I'm not being clear, it's always been a weakness of mine. There's no way to know if my idea is true since the book doesn't tell us. But, it is fun to think about and would give another reason why the Black Riders prefer to stay in groups.
Well, I don't really buy into the entire 'uncloaking' hypothesis. If you look back through these forums to the time that the class was discussing Weathertop and the Ford of Bruinen, you will find a lot of discussion on the topic, and can see what various points of view were.