The first Silm Film session of 2021 will be held on Thursday January 7th at 10 PM Eastern Time, and our focus will be on Creative Commissions for Season 5. This is the session where we brainstorm about how to portray various aspects of our show on screen, and set challenges to be met by our various and sundry listeners.
The main focus of the session will be on Music, but any creative work that you would like to 'commission' for the season is fair game!
Here are Corey Olsen's questions to get the conversation started:
Session 5-22 will be held on January 14th at 10 PM Eastern, and will continue the discussion of Episode 2 and (hopefully) move in to Episode 3 as well. Please see the threads in the Script forum for those discussions.
The main focus of the session will be on Music, but any creative work that you would like to 'commission' for the season is fair game!
Here are Corey Olsen's questions to get the conversation started:
What themes in Season 5 do we want to capture in musical themes?
What themes from prior seasons do we want to incorporate or modify for Season 5?
What should the theme of Men be? And will we have three separate but related subthemes like we did for the Vanyar, Noldor, and Teleri?
Session 5-22 will be held on January 14th at 10 PM Eastern, and will continue the discussion of Episode 2 and (hopefully) move in to Episode 3 as well. Please see the threads in the Script forum for those discussions.