With each of the Houses of the Edain, we show a change in their lifestyle/culture over the course of the season, in relationship to how they interact with the Elves of Beleriand. The House of Haleth distrusts the Elves and wants to remain completely independent, rejecting Caranthir's overture outright, and accepting Thingol's terms only bregrudgingly. The House of Hador is initially in conflict with their Elven neighbors, but eventually becomes an independent fiefdom in service to the Noldor (Fingon in particular). The House of Bëor begins by trying to live amongst the Elves as part of an elven society, but eventually finds a need for independence, moving from Nargothrond to Ladros. And while they begin as completely separate, independent groups, they do interact with each other in the latter half of the season.
The House of Bëor begins life as a Vanyar-like group - they are small, the first over the mountains, and united in purpose. They are on a spiritual quest to reach the West. Once they meet the elves, they find their purpose and settle down in Nargothrond. 'For a time' Fast-forward a few generations, and the situation has changed. They are restless, they are cramped in a narrow space, they are wondering if they will ever have a part to play in the war. They've gained much lore and knowledge from the elves, but are chafing from being treated like perpetual children. They have learned to read and write and produce books of lore, but they are feeling a bit...coddled. They have become the Noldor, but luckily for Finrod, their rebellion is less bloody. Andreth and Finrod are able to discuss a path forward for their people that meets their needs. Now, they begin a new life, in a community of their own on the front lines. Barahir emerges as a leader in this new community. He is resourceful, bold, brash....and a skilled outdoorsman, unlike his elders.
We have come up with a few physical artefacts for this community. Bëor will have a walking staff, from his time as an adventurer, and this staff will be given to Andreth by Finrod when she leads the people from Nargothrond to Ladros. Later, Barahir will have this staff. It represents the active leadership of their people. We also would like for there to be a stole, representing leadership of the wise for the House of Bëor. This stole is passed from Bëor to Adanel, and from Adanel to Andreth.
The House of Haleth are independent homesteaders living a fairly isolated pre-Bronze Age culture...when they are forced to band together by external threats that they cannot face individually. Haleth unites them, with a very strong force of will and an unforgiving leadership style. When they relocate to Brethil, they maintain their communal living, but still try to keep somewhat independent. However, they are willing to establish relationships with the other Men - the House of Hador in Dor-lomin in particular, and the House of Bëor through Andreth. The part where they keep to themselves and seem someone disinterested in the other groups makes them most like the Teleri.
We have given Haleth a signature spear, which she gets from her father. This spear does break over the course of the season. Also, after she kills Tevildo, she takes his pelt, so wearing a black fur cloak becomes the sign of leadership among the House of Haleth.
The tall, blond House of Hador is most like the Vanyar based on physical description, but they are also the largest and most war-like group among the Edain who have come to Beleriand. They begin as a nomadic people of herdsmen living in individual family-based settlements. They are connected by culture and the gathering at Estolad, where they all come together for trade, celebrations, legal decisions, etc. They have an uneasy relationship with their Elven neighbors. Their lifestyle is completely disrupted when Hador leads them to Dor-lomin to be an independent settlement under fealty to High King Fingolfin. This move signifies their decision to take an active role in the war against Morgoth, and also indicates that they have coalesced into a united people and chosen to be allies of the Noldor.
The symbol of leadership in the House of Hador is the Dragon-helm, indicating the lord of Dor-lomin.