Ray Burns Jan 25, 2017 Some of the Frame Narrative can be a spoiler for Season 22, Epi. 5. Action takes place off screen, but tune in 20 years from now and WOW!
Some of the Frame Narrative can be a spoiler for Season 22, Epi. 5. Action takes place off screen, but tune in 20 years from now and WOW!
Ray Burns Jan 24, 2017 A master casting list of all characters so that we don't miscast someone for a role in S2 that would be perfect for a different role in S8?
A master casting list of all characters so that we don't miscast someone for a role in S2 that would be perfect for a different role in S8?
Ray Burns Jan 4, 2017 I'm going to go get some groceries, I'll be back in about 23 years - the Noldor
Ray Burns Jan 3, 2017 According to the internet (which is never wrong), you say happy birthday in Elvish thusly: Aur Onnad Meren!
According to the internet (which is never wrong), you say happy birthday in Elvish thusly: Aur Onnad Meren!
Ray Burns Dec 22, 2016 There are five people on campus right now, and I have to wonder why I am one of them...
Ray Burns Dec 14, 2016 One of my students told me that he was switching majors, I looked at him and said "So it is doomed". Do I need an intervention?
One of my students told me that he was switching majors, I looked at him and said "So it is doomed". Do I need an intervention?
Ray Burns Nov 29, 2016 We should have the same elves appear in the background of every important debate throughout the ages and see if anyone notices.
We should have the same elves appear in the background of every important debate throughout the ages and see if anyone notices.
Ray Burns Nov 8, 2016 When I cast my vote today, I swear I heard Mandos intone dramatically, "So it is doomed."
Ray Burns Nov 7, 2016 Monday, thy cold hands grasp my throat and force me to sit behind this chain of a desk and labor
Ray Burns Oct 31, 2016 No, the R's in JRR Tolkien do not stand for 'retcon' and 'revise'... it just seems that way...
Ray Burns Oct 27, 2016 All of Tolkien books are in storage, so if I make mistakes in my Tolkienology, be gentle... I'm working totally from memory
All of Tolkien books are in storage, so if I make mistakes in my Tolkienology, be gentle... I'm working totally from memory
Ray Burns Oct 24, 2016 Re-listening to the Silmarillion Seminar gives me some interesting insights as to how to look at this project...
Re-listening to the Silmarillion Seminar gives me some interesting insights as to how to look at this project...