I have just finished listening to session 4-09 and Corey's discussion on Hildorien. I don't know if this has been discussed in the thread, I don't really have time to review everyone's input. My contribution is about how to keep the men on track while Morgoth is not present. My suggestion is that he put part of his spirit into his chosen person to continue leading the people and then as a part of a secret rite a successor is chosen and the spirit of Morgoth is passed into the next person and the former host dies, consumed by the spirit leaving the body. It could be that the person's appearance is changed by having Morgoth's spirit inside them and so the successor is changed the same way and it is believed that it is the same person who lives without dying. We could also add in that the strength of the spirit is diluted over time and that is why the men in the east stray and Sauron needs to put them back on the straight and narrow.