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  • Okay, I *think* I'm actually back this time. Between losing my personal computer to old age and work-related crazy, I'm so far behind...
    Welcome back! Today's session is just getting started with planning Episode 1 of Season 4, so good timing on your part 😉
    MithLuin, so I saw! I was quite pleased how that worked out. I'll try to catch up on what's been decided before I start posting ideas so I don't re-introduce rejected ideas, but be patient please if I accidentally do!
    It is good to be back. My last year has been wild, both with work and personally, and I didn't really have any energy to spare. But personal life has called down, and work *might* be, so hopefully I can stick around longer this time!
    Confession time: I've read LotR almost every year since I was 14, and I *just now* realized Barliman Butterbur's name was a pun.
    There is a session today, right? Or did I mess up my calendar?
    Just a delayed start 🙂
    Business as usual, then! I don't know if this delay was longer or I'm just more impatient today. Considering it's been raining for six days straight, probably the later.
    When we discussed the SilmFilm rating, did we mention cussing, or did we focus on sex/violence?
    To be clear - I'm a 12 year old boy and love to swear and all things cuss-worthy. It just needs to fit in context. And I don't know that we have rhay context.

    "Tolkien doesn't use swear words so we shouldn't" is not a good reason to avoid it. "Swearing modern English cuss words would sound wrong and made-up swear words can sound... cutesy" would be a reason to avoid t.
    Yeah, to a point, but...there's a *reason* Tolkien's characters don't use swear words, and it's not just because he was stuffy. Language is culture. It seems to me that the only characters who would use particularly harsh swear words 'in character' would be...orcs. I'm not saying we can't have some colorful language or slang. But I do think there is a limit before it sounds out of place.
    I suppose words like "maggot" and "filth" are used by Sam exactly where cussing would be warranted....
    Thinking about a question posed to Gryfflet on Friday: What do *you* think is the greatest unanswered mystery at the end of the Third Age?
    Not an answer to your original question but - could it be a man who changes shape unfortunately under the WormMoon?
    It's a prophecy about Frank Herbert writing God Emperor of Dune in the 80s.
    Anyway, my question would be "What happens to Mortals when they die?"
    Or maybe "What are the nameless gnawing things?"
    Marielle gave into morbid curiosity and looked up Shelob in the Shadows of Mordor Wiki. Don't be like Marielle.
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    Forget making Corey play the game: that entry alone would be enough to make his head explode.

    That article reads like a very, very bad fanfiction, and confirms my decision not to play those games.

    Because, you know, when you try to think of a vile, bloated, gluttonous spawn of Ungoliant, the first image that springs to mind is CLEARLY Morticia Addams. <eyeroll>
    I think it's the Frodo thing that made me sprain my eyeballs rolling them, but... just everything. So bad.
    You know, other than the lack of references to throwing wine at each other, the elves of the Silmarillion are basically soap characters?
    Which is true? That there's a difference, or that they're essentially soaps?
    Jim Deutch
    Jim Deutch
    'that's more "throwing a heavy object that happens to hold wine" than "ruining your expensive but totally trashy dress with Merlot."' Well, it's Turin, after all. He never does anything without doing it way over the top.
    Now, now. We don't KNOW that Saeros' dress was trashy.
    Glad it's Friday... particularly glad it's SilmFilm Friday!
    Richol Richards
    Richol Richards
    Welp. I missed the entire thing. Did anyone take notes? What were the main points?
    I only caught the last 20 minutes, so I'm no help this week, I'm afraid. But it was for a very good reason - no electronic devices permitted in the courtroom!
    Richol Richards
    Richol Richards
    Haha, I'd say that's a pretty good reason. I can't wait to settle down and catch up on everything. The past couple of weeks - for all their busyness- have been quite rewarding, but I do feel the lack of silmfilm keenly.
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