Marielle Apr 5, 2019 Okay, I *think* I'm actually back this time. Between losing my personal computer to old age and work-related crazy, I'm so far behind...
Okay, I *think* I'm actually back this time. Between losing my personal computer to old age and work-related crazy, I'm so far behind...
Marielle Feb 22, 2019 Confession time: I've read LotR almost every year since I was 14, and I *just now* realized Barliman Butterbur's name was a pun.
Confession time: I've read LotR almost every year since I was 14, and I *just now* realized Barliman Butterbur's name was a pun.
Marielle Apr 19, 2018 When we discussed the SilmFilm rating, did we mention cussing, or did we focus on sex/violence?
Marielle Feb 13, 2018 Thinking about a question posed to Gryfflet on Friday: What do *you* think is the greatest unanswered mystery at the end of the Third Age?
Thinking about a question posed to Gryfflet on Friday: What do *you* think is the greatest unanswered mystery at the end of the Third Age?
Marielle Jan 19, 2018 Going back and re-listening to Return of the Shadow classes. Corey originally talked about how Exploring LotR could take "two years". LOL!
Going back and re-listening to Return of the Shadow classes. Corey originally talked about how Exploring LotR could take "two years". LOL!
Marielle Dec 15, 2017 Marielle gave into morbid curiosity and looked up Shelob in the Shadows of Mordor Wiki. Don't be like Marielle.
Marielle gave into morbid curiosity and looked up Shelob in the Shadows of Mordor Wiki. Don't be like Marielle.
Marielle Dec 14, 2017 Will not be in attendance at session tomorrow. Have a good and productive time!
Marielle Dec 6, 2017 Over/under: we're through the Council of Elrond by the 2nd anniversary of Exploring The Lord of the Rings?
Over/under: we're through the Council of Elrond by the 2nd anniversary of Exploring The Lord of the Rings?
Marielle Dec 5, 2017 You know, other than the lack of references to throwing wine at each other, the elves of the Silmarillion are basically soap characters?
You know, other than the lack of references to throwing wine at each other, the elves of the Silmarillion are basically soap characters?