Well-Known Member
Andreth (Sindarin for patience, long-suffering), also known as Saelind meaning “Wise-heart”, is a wise-woman of the House of Beor, and beloved of Aegnor. Intelligent and passionate, she pushes for the House of Beor to relocate to Ladros, having seen the problems inherent in their closeted existence in Nargothrond (we have the House of Beor moving to Nargothrond instead of Estolad before going to Ladros).
Being a member of the House of Beor, she’s definitely dark-haired. To contrast the more muscular Haleth, we could either have her be tall and slender or more petite.
Being a member of the House of Beor, she’s definitely dark-haired. To contrast the more muscular Haleth, we could either have her be tall and slender or more petite.