Civil War has broken out on Onderon, and we need to race back to help! While JJ49 deals with things down on the planet, he needs a second team to cut off the enemy's support on Onderon's moon, Dxun. A con man, an agent of an unfriendly Jedi, and an evil assassin droid ought to be able to handle this!
As Link prepares for the endgame, he finds an underground maze he must traverse. Then, he finds an underground puzzle to solve. Later, he finds an underground gauntlet he must fight. Link hopes that one of the items he finds is a Vitamin D supplement, as he's been spending a lot of time away from the sun recently.
After a long and difficult fight involving much math and many Force pushes, Onderon's civil war is won in favor of the Queen! She rewards us for our help but informs us that some of the items she planned to give to us were taken from the palace's museum! was probably Vaklu's men. Now, if you'll excuse us, we really need to continue our quest by not being on this planet anymore. Bye!
While our attempt at the Cave of Ordeals didn't go as planned, at least we got enough Poe souls to break the curse on Jovani! He's thrilled to be mobile again, and rushes off to find his girlfriend, only to discover that she started dating someone else during his absence. I know that's got to be really upsetting, Jovani, but there are plenty of fish in the sea, and all that. Before you try again, however, might I suggest using a little of your huge piles of money to buy a better outfit?
After hearing the local troubles on Dantooine, we decide to delve into the ruins of the Jedi Enclave. Who knows what astonishing secrets we may discover? There could be ancient lore! There could be hidden Jedi who survived the Sith assault! There could be...
Bugs. Lots and lots of big, hideous bugs. Looks like the real reason we left the Jedi was because of their complete lack of any pest control.
As Link finally completes the Cave of Ordeals and heads off to Hyrule Castle, he takes a long, hard look at his adventures, and realizes that he needs to reevaluate much he thought he knew. Maybe Gorons can survive just fine in water. Maybe terrifying ghosts just want to help us. And maybe, just maybe, the REAL friends were the mini-bosses we fought along the way.
Listen up, troops! I know this sad, pathetic plot of land just down the road from the decaying ruins of a failed Jedi stronghold may not seem like much; but it's OUR sad, pathetic plot of land! And we will fight to protect it for as long as we have no other land to move to!
I won't lie to you: this battle could get bloody. Those of you who just have job titles instead of real names may find it particularly rough. But know that all who fall this day will not have fallen in vain, but will have sacrificed themselves to accomplish the most noble goal possible: making it appear that failure is possible so that our inevitable success tastes all the sweeter!