New Stream Idea - Play Me a Story

Anyone who thinks that these games are all about a single character, with everyone else just being useful accessories, needs to check out this episode! JJ49 actually plays a relatively small part directly, and we spend most of the session playing as his companions! We get to see them do all softs of independent things, like trying to help JJ49 accomplish his goals, and looking for JJ49, and trying to rescue JJ49.

So, you see, the game is NOT just about one character!

It's been a long, hard struggle, but Link has finally accomplished what he set out to do: help Malo Mart open a branch in Castle Town! No longer shall the citizens of Hyrule pay far too high a price when they want to buy bombs, arrows, and other stuff that Link uses all the time and no one else seems to ever want! Spread the word, Link! Tell the Hylians! Tell the Zoras! Tell the Yeti couple you just met! Tell EVERYONE:

You'll buy it now, if you're smart, at MAAAAA-LOOOO MART!

Yeto and Yeta are a nice couple. They let us hang out in their house as Yeto cooks up a delicious soup and Yeta tries to remember where the key is that will let us access the piece of the Twilight Mirror. Yeta does have the unfortunate tendency to become possessed by the Mirror and turn into an ice monster, but fortunately, we're able to deal with the monstrous form without hurting Yeta herself. For now, we should probably leave these lovebirds to recover, and come back to visit some other time.

As we wrap things up on Nar Shaddaa, we have questions for the Jedi Master we met there. Most of our questions have to do with his mustache, but sadly, the game won't let us ask about it. So, I guess you get to keep your mysteries, Master Mustache; at least for now. We will forgive the Council for what they did to us, but we won't forget the answers we were never given...

After fishing, snowboarding with the Yetis, and trying various other mini-games, we're ready to look for the next Mirror shard in the Sacred Grove. Our progress is halted by Skull Kid, though, who insists on derailing our quest for a bit to play hide-and-seek with us. But if Skull Kid has managed to reappear in this game (with a face looking rather like the Moon from Majora's Mask, no less), is it possible we may also encounter the Great Fairies from Majora's Mask?

We can't take that risk! Get out of there while you still can, Link! ABORT! ABORT!

It's time to chat with the crew some more, which helps highlight what a well-oiled machine our little band has become. HK-47 fantasizes about assassinating various members of our crew, Mira completely misunderstands the relationships aboard the ship, G0-T0 blames us personally for any instability in the Republic, Atton decides to become the very thing he once hunted, Visas insists that we have no right to tell her she can't serve us if she wants to, Kreia shows us how she regularly spies on everybody on board the ship, and the Handmaiden forsakes her oaths and responsibilities on a technicality. What a mess!

At least T3-M4 is reliable and understandable. He doesn't have any dark, secret past or strange personality quirks that- Wait, what's that hologram?

...Last bug falls
To Agitha's Bug Ball!

Link will fight his way through many enemies
Searching high and low for all the Temple's keys
Swinging Dominion Rod 'round
Stone statues hop on the ground

Oh, the armored Darknut tests us with his might
Giant spider, Armogohma gives a fright!
Link will soon prevail
What a stunning tale!
Everything came out alright!

And now let's all
Heed the call, Like a thrall
To Agitha's Bug Ball
That oddball takes our haul
And she gives us a new wallet
Big, not small
From Agitha's Bug Ball!

Link's search for the pieces of the Mirror will take him into the sky, which naturally means loading himself into an ancient cannon and firing toward where he hopes a sky island will be. It seems that there are a lot of potential issues with this plan, but at least Ooccoo and her son can finally go home.

Heading to the jungle moon of Dxun, we encounter some Mandalorians, and begin to learn their ways. We manage to offend Davrel by beating him in a friendly boxing match, and there are only two possible ways to soothe his honor: fighting to the death, or becoming friends and hanging out together. It's a tough call, but in the end, Davrel reluctantly agrees to be pals!

The Clawshot (along with the similar Hookshot) is one of the best items in the Zelda series. It lets Link zip around if there are targetable surfaces nearby, and a lot of fun boss fights involve pulling enemies around to where you can damage them! The only way it could be better is if we could get a second one, and use both to leap from target to target.

Say, I wonder what's in this chest...

With the help of the Mandalorians, we make our way down to Onderon and discover that a murder has taken place! What's worse, the person we were supposed to contact is accused of being the murderer! Can a former Jedi, a Mandalorian, an old woman, and a couple evil droids solve this case before an innocent man hangs (or whatever method of capital punishment they use)? Find out, in this episode of Private Eyes of the Old Republic!

Link manages to take down the dragon boss of the City in the Sky, but has no time to rest, as he is immediately forced to fish and play entertaining mini-games! Eventually, though, he finishes these tasks and can take a well-earned vacation to the Twilight Realm, where he only has to face hostile abominations, not worry about a game timer!

Our trip to Onderon is cut short, and we next find ourselves on our way to Korriban. We won't have long lessons concerning the philosophy of the Dark Side, but the Force will still show us many things: our temptations, our regrets, and even what Malak looked like with a lower jaw. Truly, we shall learn much here.

It's finally time to confront Zant! After listening to his monologue, we learn that...Zant isn't very original. He just copies previous boss arenas, and even makes sure he's weak to the same item the boss of each arena was. What he lacks in creativity, though, he makes up with grandeur. These stages are impressively large!

Civil War has broken out on Onderon, and we need to race back to help! While JJ49 deals with things down on the planet, he needs a second team to cut off the enemy's support on Onderon's moon, Dxun. A con man, an agent of an unfriendly Jedi, and an evil assassin droid ought to be able to handle this!

As Link prepares for the endgame, he finds an underground maze he must traverse. Then, he finds an underground puzzle to solve. Later, he finds an underground gauntlet he must fight. Link hopes that one of the items he finds is a Vitamin D supplement, as he's been spending a lot of time away from the sun recently.

After a long and difficult fight involving much math and many Force pushes, Onderon's civil war is won in favor of the Queen! She rewards us for our help but informs us that some of the items she planned to give to us were taken from the palace's museum! was probably Vaklu's men. Now, if you'll excuse us, we really need to continue our quest by not being on this planet anymore. Bye!

While our attempt at the Cave of Ordeals didn't go as planned, at least we got enough Poe souls to break the curse on Jovani! He's thrilled to be mobile again, and rushes off to find his girlfriend, only to discover that she started dating someone else during his absence. I know that's got to be really upsetting, Jovani, but there are plenty of fish in the sea, and all that. Before you try again, however, might I suggest using a little of your huge piles of money to buy a better outfit?

After hearing the local troubles on Dantooine, we decide to delve into the ruins of the Jedi Enclave. Who knows what astonishing secrets we may discover? There could be ancient lore! There could be hidden Jedi who survived the Sith assault! There could be...

Bugs. Lots and lots of big, hideous bugs. Looks like the real reason we left the Jedi was because of their complete lack of any pest control.

As Link finally completes the Cave of Ordeals and heads off to Hyrule Castle, he takes a long, hard look at his adventures, and realizes that he needs to reevaluate much he thought he knew. Maybe Gorons can survive just fine in water. Maybe terrifying ghosts just want to help us. And maybe, just maybe, the REAL friends were the mini-bosses we fought along the way.

Listen up, troops! I know this sad, pathetic plot of land just down the road from the decaying ruins of a failed Jedi stronghold may not seem like much; but it's OUR sad, pathetic plot of land! And we will fight to protect it for as long as we have no other land to move to!

I won't lie to you: this battle could get bloody. Those of you who just have job titles instead of real names may find it particularly rough. But know that all who fall this day will not have fallen in vain, but will have sacrificed themselves to accomplish the most noble goal possible: making it appear that failure is possible so that our inevitable success tastes all the sweeter!
As we work our way up the tower, we get some unexpected help from our friends! Finally, we're able to meet Ganondorf face to face. After several stages of combat, he draws his sword that we may actually cross blades. He is confident in his power, but he doesn't realize that we have spent much of the game as a dog, and have been trained by a spirit dog. Dark Lord Ganondorf is about to learn that he is no match for Good Boy Link!

We have an epic, game-ending boss fight for the second session in a row, because we're returning to finish The Minish Cap! Vaati may seem overwhelmingly powerful, but we've played games that take place in the future, and thus know that he must be defeated here! Sure, his presence in those games indicates that he's just temporarily sealed away rather than actually killed off, but that's some future Link's problem! For today, let's celebrate victory by looking at figurines!

As we finish some new titles, we once again get a chance to reflect on how these games relate to what has come before. It's rather fascinating to look at the enemies and allies, and realize how far we've come since the earliest games. It's not so much fun having to see the Ocarina of Time / Majora's Mask Great Fairies again, but at least it's nice knowing that we've moved on from them.

While the rest of the crew wastes their time with trivial things like stopping the Sith, HK-47 is on a mission to confront the HK-50 droids. Ultimately, he is able to destroy the assassins, ending their threat once and for all! In the process, he established a line of HK-51 assassins, who view killing as an art and are personally loyal to him as a quasi-deity. What could possibly go wrong?

A brand new Link sets off on a brand new adventure! Only, it's not a brand new Link; it's the Link from Wind Waker. And his adventure is similarly just a continuation of the last one, as he and the Pirates set out to establish a new Hyrule after the last one finished drowning. And to top it all off, Tetra got abducted by a Ghost Ship, so we can't even move on to the exciting kingdom-building until we deal with that! Typical.

Here's a recaptured video of the Phantom Hourglass intro, since the one in part 141 was obscured part of the time.

After neutralizing the Sith fleet, it's time to head for the final showdown on Malachor V! Our Jedi-trained comrades try to confront Kreia! The Droids' mutual dislike of each other finally boils over! And JJ49--the main character and focus of the game's story--gets to...face seemingly endless waves of dumb, boring beasts. Malachor V is terrible. It's no wonder we already destroyed it once last time we were here.

Link has seen strange things since coming to this region, but none more strange than the postman who simply reads letters rather than delivering them. Does he think Link is incapable of reading mail on his own? IS Link capable of reading mail on his own? Link must discover the answer to such questions! And if he manages to help Tetra along the way, even better!

The time has come to face Kreia once and for all, but she has an insidious trick we couldn't possibly have prepared for: she's not vulnerable to repeatedly spamming our Fush Push attack! It looks like we'll have to settle this in the traditional Jedi way of running around avoiding each other a lot, and occasionally getting hits in. Did we remember to teach this strategy to the others as we were training them to be Jedi? I don't think we did, but at least they had plot armor protecting them, so nothing too bad could happen to them. Right?
