New Stream Idea - Play Me a Story

As the Links continue their quest, they wonder if maybe they've missed their true calling in life. Sure, fighting evil and saving the world is fun--and arguably even worthwhile--but it seems that the real solution to many problems is to move houses around. Not simply moving households and their belongings between houses, but moving the houses themselves! Maybe the Links could start a business pushing houses around. After a couple years, maybe they could even get their own home-moving show on HGTV! Of course, if they abandon their quest and let evil win, there probably won't be enough of a housing market to support such an endeavor; but it's fun to dream.

Now that we no longer need to worry about the Selkath monitoring the Sith compound, we're free to explore it further! Deep inside, we encounter several young Selkath who have joined the Dark Side because they're going through a rebellious phase. After straightening them out, we find out about a top-secret facility at the bottom of the ocean that's recently encountered a much bigger creature going through a much bigger rebellious phase...

The Links have to make a decision. Is their main opponent Vaati, or is it Tingle? Sure, Vaati will probably be a bigger threat to Hyrule down the road, but Tingle is a constant annoyance right now. Of course, Tingle uses balloons a lot and Vaati is the Wind Mage, so maybe they're working together?

You best not step out of line, Tingle. The Links have their eyes on you...

Finishing up on Manaan, we chat with our companions a bit and discover the shocking truth that many of them have personalities and even histories beyond just meeting us and deciding to help us in combat! Zaalbar doesn't talk much, but fortunately, we're heading to Kashyyyk next and soon find out more. We decide to help out in the Zaalbar family troubles, and head down to the forest floor only to meet up with Darth Bandon, the apprentice of Darth Malak who ends up wiping out the entire party!


The Links manage to infiltrate Hyrule Castle and save another maiden before being sent to the Lost Woods. There, they discover that the Deku Scrubs, of all people, are helping Ganon. Helping a great evil come to power in exchange for some more woods doesn't seem like the best trade, but I suppose they're trying to recapture their glory of old, back when they had massive palaces and temples in the swamps, and could cook monkeys any time they wanted.

We defeat Darth Bandon and meet some new folks this session, such as Zaalbar's father, and Jolee. But the real highlight is that we get to learn about HK-47's history...and about how he's responsible for the death of every master he's ever had.

We may need to be a bit cautious around him.

The Links continue their quest to save Hyrule and discover that Ganondorf has flouted the laws and customs of the Gerudo, and has gone to the Pyramid! But before they can worry about that, the Links must face a bigger concern: winning an epic game of 4v4 Energy Ping-pong!

We finish things up on Kashyyyk, but are found and captured by the Sith! By the time we manage to get things under control, Darth Malak himself shows up, intent on fighting us one on one!

But just as defeat seems certain, Bastila shows up to save the day, sacrificing herself to prevent slaughter! But wait, whose defeat was she preventing? Bastila, did you even think this through at all?!

In a long-running series like Zelda, it's common to see the elements reappear time and time again, and it's usually rather fun when a new twist is given to a familiar callback. Moldorm has been an enemy in the series since the very first game, and has been seen as a boss bumping Link into pits since A Link to the Past. In Four Swords Adventures, we get to face this classic enemy with the twist of having to face multiples at a time, and coordinate which Link gets a hit in! It's pretty fun, but we're mighty glad that the Moldorms hang out exclusively in the desert in this game, and don't make an appearance on the ice levels.

After losing Bastila and learning that we are actually Revan, we decide to take some time considering recent events and trying to clear our minds. And what better way to do that than to take on the role of defense attorney in a murder trial? It is here that we discover that repeatedly telling the judges that your client is guilty makes proving his innocence rather tricky.

As I try hard to beat all these tests
Gonna show all my foes who's the best
Evil mage, it's time to fight!
Let's meet up in the tower in the sky

We'll meet up in that tower in the sky (tower in the sky)
That's where we're gonna meet for our fight (for our fight)
When he dies and we've proved we're the best
We're gonna face Ganon as our last test!

Link decides to explore town a bit before setting off to find the Mountain Minish. As he journeys into the mountains and finds himself switching between normal size and Minish size, he finds himself wondering why it is that he can move pretty much the same speed in either form.

At the Sith Academy, students are taught the basics of the Sith Code. They are taught the history of the Sith through archaeology. But most of all, they are taught to obey their masters until the time is right to strike them down and take their place. They claim this helps weed out the weak, but it just seems like they're doing their enemy's job for them. Maybe that's why the tombs are so big.

Things really heat up as Link makes his way through a the Cave of Flames to retrieve the Fire Element, which he can infuse in the White Sword to power it up! But Vaati has his own plans, and sets to work tricking Hyrule's Royal Guards into searching for the "light force" for him! Will Vaati find what he seeks before Link gets bored exploring Hyrule Town as a speck of dust? Only time will tell!

After a few more philosophical discussions, we complete our time on Korriban and can finally follow the completed Star Chart! It leads us to crash onto a planet with an ancient, ancient people, which means more history for us to learn! Saving the Galaxy can wait until we've learned what we can about the Rakata, and see if they have a good cannoli recipe.

Link knows that even a hero can't be everywhere at once, so it's important to prioritize his tasks. On the one hand, Vaati is threatening the royal family and all of Hyrule in his selfish search for more power! On the other hand, there are some cool figurines to collect, and many people looking to fuse kinstones for what usually amount to heroic party favors. It's a choice between saving the world and pursuing hobbies, so we can only hope the royal family can hold out until Link's done collecting.

Being a hero isn't the most stable career, especially once the main villain has been defeated. Link decides he'd better have something to fall back on once Vaati's been defeated. Link tries being a realtor, a ghostbuster, and an enforcer for the library. You'd best return your books on time, or you may find yourself reading with the fishes.

Dusty beam in the sky, I can climb up that high
Take a look, return the book
A Minish Rainbow!

Shrinking down sure does open a world of wonders to Link, but it also opens a up a world of dangers. Even an ordinary, everyday ice cavern filled with monsters becomes quite the trial when Link is so small! But Link does have the advantage, while small, of being able to actually fit inside the ice cavern rather than simply crushing it under his weight when normal sized. So, at least there's that.

This is our one hundred and eleventh Zelda stream: we are eleventy-one today! I hope you are all enjoying Zelda as much as I am. I don't know half of these games half as well as I should like, and I have played less than half of these games half as many times as they deserve. Eleventy-one is far too few streams to thoroughly explore such a grand we'll just have to continue!

For now, enjoy seeing Link finish off a "giant" octorok, and ultimately find his way into the sky!

Apparently, when we encountered the Rakata as Darth Revan, we claimed to want to destroy the Star Forge, which convinced the Rakata to give us access to the Temple. But it was all a ruse, and the Rakata felt horribly betrayed by our deception. In order to make amends, we'll claim to want to destroy the Star Forge, and convince the Rakata to give us access to the Temple...but mean it, this time! Of course, we defiled the sacred ritual to open the Temple last time by bringing along companions, so we'll defile the sacred ritual to open the Temple this time by bringing along companions!

I know full well that we really have changed since last time and have completely good intentions, and even I'm getting rather suspicious of us!

After finishing up his adventure in the sky, Link encounters Vaati! Finally, Link can put an end to the evil mage and save Hyrule! least, he would, if Vaati didn't knock him out rather easily. Maybe Link should try to improve his equipment and capabilities a bit, first. Time for a training montage!

As we wrap up our story, there are a few things left to do. We need to help the Republic assault the Star Forge. We need to make sure all the storage containers have been looted. We need to put Bastila in time-out so she can sit and think about what she's done.

But ultimately, we need to confront Malak. He refuses to return to the Light Side, so it's time to ignite our lightsaber, remind ourselves of the Jedi Code, and play the most epic game of tag the Galaxy has ever seen!

Kinstones are rather weird. People keep wanting to fuse them, believing they'll receive good luck; but since the reward is usually rather far away from the actual fusing event, Link seems to be the only one who ever benefits. Though, Link's also the one who's talking all the risk and facing all the danger, so maybe the others are the lucky ones after all.

Set a few years after Knights of the Old Republic, the second game picks up where any sequel would naturally start: with a former Jedi running around an abandoned space station in his skivvies, trying to figure out just what in the galaxy is going on. Hopefully, we'll soon be able to find some supportive friends with which to share common goals and mutual respect.

Link must ensure that he is as strong as he can be in order to face Vaati, and that means learning as many sword techniques as he can! Sure, some of them don't seem particularly useful in actual combat, but it sure is impressive just how many he knows! And maybe he can become a Hollywood fight choreographer or something after saving Hyrule.
