Just taking a look, the list of missing materials includes
- Episode Outlines:
- Season 3 Eps. 1-3, 10, 13 (not sure where these went, I know I read them at one point)
- Season 4 all
- Episode Scripts:
- Not counting Seasons 1-3 because I'm not sure how many of those are available
- Season 5 Eps. 2, 3, 5-7, 9, 10
- Session Notes:
- It's easier to list the ones that are available here:
- Season 4 Sessions 19-24, 30, 31
- Season 5 Sessions 1-17, 19, 23
- Season 6 Sessions 2, 3
- I believe all Season Outlines and GANTT Charts are present, though just to confirm I will say that there is 1 doc in S4 and 4 docs in S5.