The Children of Hurin and "Narn i Hin Hurin" from
Unfinished Tales, the Dragon-helm is described as having "a visor (after the manner of those that the Dwarves used in their forges for the shielding of their eyes)." I looked through both versions, and I'm pretty sure the Dragon-helm disappears when Turin is captured by Orcs. However, the version in
Unfinished Tales does have Christopher Tolkien's note, "... it was my father's intention to extend the history of the Dragon-helm into the period of Turin's sojourn in Nargothrond and even beyond; but this was never incorporated into the narratives ... An isolated scrap of writing tells that in Nargothrond Turin would not wear the helm again 'lest it reveal him,' but he wore it when he went to the battle of Tumhalad," and the scene Tolkien wrote of Turin raising the visor of his helm when taunted by Glaurung.
The entry for year 495 in the Grey Annals in
The War of the Jewels mentions that as well, and Christopher Tolkien's notes on that section say, "In the published
Silmarillion (p. 210) I adopted a passage from another text in the vast assemblage of the
Narn papers, telling how Turin found in the armories of Nargothrond 'a dwarf-mask all gilded,' and wore it into battle. It seems probable that this story arose at a stage when my father was treating the Dragon-helm as lost and out of the story (from the end of Dor-Cuarthol, the Land of the Bow and Helm, when Turin was taken by the Orcs), and I extended Turin's wearing of it to the battle of Tumhalad (p. 212)."
For SilmFilm, it seems we can choose between two options:
- The Dragon-helm is lost when Turin is captured, so he wears a Dwarf-mask he found in Nargothrond to Tumhalad. (published Silmarillion)
- The Dragon-helm is with Turin in Nargothrond and he wears that to Tumhalad and when he faces Glaurung for the first time. (other notes)