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  • Watched "Lord of the Beans", the Veggie Tales adaption of LOTR yesterday. It was, eh, intresting.
    Have started to read Casper Clemmensen's "Tolkien og det mytiske Jylland" (Tolkien and the mythical Jutland). A book about Tolkien in Danish.
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    Reactions: Alcarohtar
    Er det ei ny bok? Kor fekk du tak i ho?
    Utgitt i år, 2022. Husker ikke hvor jeg kjøpte den, men det var i Danmark. Var der, og i Svergie i sommerferien.
    Birthwort's (Aristolochia clematitis) Norwegian name, "pipeurt", literally translate to "pipeweed".
    "Boromir had a long sword, in fashion like Andúril but of less lineage", so of the same Oakeshott-typology? Maybe type XI.
    The movie has it a xiia, but i also prefer an earlier version...xi is a fine choice.
    Flittermouse, flittermouse, flies around the house.
    Is not a bird, it has no neb.
    Nor a fly, afeared of lob's web.
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    It is a very creepy feeling to have the shadow of a bat pass over when you are sitting quietly in your house. But calling it a flittermouse makes it sound very cute!
    Flittermouse, neb and lob are three words I've learned Tolkien.
    The mysterious machine in ep 193 of Exploring the Lord of the Rings, looks like part of a rope-walk to me.
    Typical of my luck: Normally do office work 8.00 to 9.30, then go to teach. When SilmFilm broadcast from 8.00, "course-day" all day from 8.00.
    After finishing the "History of LOTR"-part of "The History of Middle-Earth", I have a feeling the "LOTR"-films made a surprising amount of changes in line with ideas discarded by Tolkien.
    I have not read that, so I would not know, but I did notice that they made a lot of changes based on things the text said didn't happen.

    For two small examples, the Hobbiton children hoping for fireworks from Gandalf upon his arrival were disappointed. And Strider tells the hobbits that they will not have time for hunting, and must tighten their belts and continue on to Rivendell. In the films, both things happen!
    The bit about the Elves leaving in the unpublished epilogue (from "Sauron Defeated") is some of the saddest things I've read.
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