Halstein Aug 6, 2024 Re-reading LOTR. Recently had my 51st birthday, and think I will not be very bendy when I reach the age of Treebeard either.
Re-reading LOTR. Recently had my 51st birthday, and think I will not be very bendy when I reach the age of Treebeard either.
Halstein Mar 13, 2024 Just finished "J. R. R. Tolkien, Author of the Century" by Tom Shippey. What an excellent book.
Halstein Mar 18, 2023 Watched "Lord of the Beans", the Veggie Tales adaption of LOTR yesterday. It was, eh, intresting.
Halstein Nov 20, 2022 Have started to read Casper Clemmensen's "Tolkien og det mytiske Jylland" (Tolkien and the mythical Jutland). A book about Tolkien in Danish.
Have started to read Casper Clemmensen's "Tolkien og det mytiske Jylland" (Tolkien and the mythical Jutland). A book about Tolkien in Danish.
Halstein Jul 6, 2022 It would be only fitting if "Exploring the Silmarillion" will be done by one of Corey's sons.
Halstein Apr 14, 2022 Birthwort's (Aristolochia clematitis) Norwegian name, "pipeurt", literally translate to "pipeweed".
Halstein Feb 17, 2022 "Boromir had a long sword, in fashion like Andúril but of less lineage", so of the same Oakeshott-typology? Maybe type XI.
"Boromir had a long sword, in fashion like Andúril but of less lineage", so of the same Oakeshott-typology? Maybe type XI.
Halstein Jan 14, 2022 Flittermouse, flittermouse, flies around the house. Is not a bird, it has no neb. Nor a fly, afeared of lob's web.
Flittermouse, flittermouse, flies around the house. Is not a bird, it has no neb. Nor a fly, afeared of lob's web.
Halstein Jul 8, 2021 The mysterious machine in ep 193 of Exploring the Lord of the Rings, looks like part of a rope-walk to me.
The mysterious machine in ep 193 of Exploring the Lord of the Rings, looks like part of a rope-walk to me.
Halstein Apr 25, 2021 Finished "Morgoth's Ring" today. So I have caught up with reading The History of Middle-Earth. Only finished ep 14. on the Mythgard episodes though.
Finished "Morgoth's Ring" today. So I have caught up with reading The History of Middle-Earth. Only finished ep 14. on the Mythgard episodes though.
Halstein Jan 30, 2021 Typical of my luck: Normally do office work 8.00 to 9.30, then go to teach. When SilmFilm broadcast from 8.00, "course-day" all day from 8.00.
Typical of my luck: Normally do office work 8.00 to 9.30, then go to teach. When SilmFilm broadcast from 8.00, "course-day" all day from 8.00.
Halstein Dec 21, 2020 We three hosts of Silmfilm are, Corey, Trish, Dave on jewel war, makes discussions, weights suggestions, sometimes on tangents go to far. 😉
We three hosts of Silmfilm are, Corey, Trish, Dave on jewel war, makes discussions, weights suggestions, sometimes on tangents go to far. 😉
Halstein Nov 5, 2020 After finishing the "History of LOTR"-part of "The History of Middle-Earth", I have a feeling the "LOTR"-films made a surprising amount of changes in line with ideas discarded by Tolkien.
After finishing the "History of LOTR"-part of "The History of Middle-Earth", I have a feeling the "LOTR"-films made a surprising amount of changes in line with ideas discarded by Tolkien.
Halstein Oct 7, 2020 The bit about the Elves leaving in the unpublished epilogue (from "Sauron Defeated") is some of the saddest things I've read.
The bit about the Elves leaving in the unpublished epilogue (from "Sauron Defeated") is some of the saddest things I've read.