Beren's equipment

Not the slightest idea

But description says "large aurochs horn gifted to the House of Bëor by the Haladin", the other two hereditary items of house beor: The stole of the wise and the Staff of the Beor... these are silmfilm inventions, aren't they? They appeared at the "my big fat epic edainic wedding".. IIRC!
Also, it was an elf fortress first. No doubt things taken from the prisoners and old supplies are still...there.

Also, Halstein, any reason the army in Ladros would not have mail? Not saying Beren had to be wearing full mail when traversing Nan Dungortheb, but I wouldn't be surprised if the kit of the outlaws included mail. In other words, while Nargorthond could be a source of mail, it's not the only possibility here.

Beren is going to lose and gain clothing and other supplies throughout his journey. Based on the presence of (presumably) Angrist in that painting, the mail shirt could be something taken from the Fëanoreans as well.
I only find it hard to imagine the woodwose stumbling in on Lùthien's dancing wearing mail. And harder to have Thingol bestowing one upon Beren.
Me too.I think he should get those in Nargothrond! And lose his Dorthonion gear in Dungortheb! Though...
He DOES change into orc stuff in the northern sirion vales so... maybe h3 doesn't get a heavy outfit at Nargothrond at all and they travel light?
Not the slightest idea

But description says "large aurochs horn gifted to the House of Bëor by the Haladin", the other two hereditary items of house beor: The stole of the wise and the Staff of the Beor... these are silmfilm inventions, aren't they? They appeared at the "my big fat epic edainic wedding".. IIRC!

Right, we have some items to keep track of in Silm Film.

The bow of Bregor is recorded in the history as an item that makes it to Numenor. So, naturally, that needs to survive the First Age. I would have to double check the Season 5 Episode 12 script, but iirc, it was handed off to Bregor's son Barahir by the time of the Dagor Bragollach. So, Beren can carry that out of Dorthonion after the deaths of the outlaws. Perhaps he leaves it behind in Doriath before the Quest?

The large aurochs horn was gifted to Andreth by Haleth in Season 5 Episode 8. (This item is invented for Silm Film). Andreth gifts it to her younger brother Bregolas at the end of that episode, before the move to Ladros. Bregolas then gives it to one of his sons, who uses it in the Dagor Bragollach when they rescue Finrod in the Fens of Serech. As this item has no 'future,' it can be broken in the attack on the outlaw camp in Season 6 Episode 2.

Speaking of Silm Film inventions...the stole of the wise is still with Andreth in Brethil. The staff of Bëor is also with the refugees, likely in Emeldir's keeping. Both items will likely soon be lost to history, as the time of the House of Bëor is over.
Right, we have some items to keep track of in Silm Film.

Speaking of Silm Film inventions...the stole of the wise is still with Andreth in Brethil. The staff of Bëor is also with the refugees, likely in Emeldir's keeping. Both items will likely soon be lost to history, as the time of the House of Bëor is over.
If we decide to adapt the civil war among the House of Haleth, the stole and the staff could be lost during that time.
Civil war? What did i miss?
In The Wanderings of Húrin. Long story short, Húrin pays a "visit" to Brethil after Morwen dies and sparks a civil war amongst the Haladin due to his resentment over Túrin, Nienor, and Morwen's fates. This is another example of Morgoth using Húrin as an instrument of his malice.
I never perceived it as a full blown civil war, i thought it was a violent riot outbreak at the folkmoot in which the royal line of the house ended... a kinslaying if you will.
I only find it hard to imagine the woodwose stumbling in on Lùthien's dancing wearing mail. And harder to have Thingol bestowing one upon Beren.
How hard would it be to disguise that somebody's wearing mail? For example in the Peter Jackson films Boromir is the only member of the Fellowship who wears chainmail with any consistency (Aragorn and Gimli put on mail for the Battle of Helm's Deep but only for that battle), and it's mainly on his arms, which can only really be seen in a closeup. Admittedly wearing chainmail wouldn't have helped him much against arrows.
No, I agree with Halstein. Haggard, at the end of his rope Beren isn't wearing mail when he stumbles into Doriath.

As for the stole and the walking stick...these are not items that last indefinitely. The stole is made from fabric (so, linen or wool - natural fibers available in Nargothrond where it was made). Bëor's walking literally a piece of wood, already dead over 100 years. I am fine with them falling apart and being forgotten or lost to time. We don't have to dramatically destroy them!
I also think when Beren enters doriath he is sick, starved, poisened, mad, more than half dead... he doesn't wear mail or equipment, he wears animal sinews and cobwebs more likely!
I also think when Beren enters doriath he is sick, starved, poisened, mad, more than half dead... he doesn't wear mail or equipment, he wears animal sinews and cobwebs more likely!

Still he has to have his sword already or he gets it in Doriath? It Has a Sindarin name, is there any proof he has had it before? He could also have an old sword that he lost and just transfer the name to a new one he gets on Doriath? Entering Doriath armed is even more a transgression that entering it in itself?
He needs something to cut through cobwebs... and possibly slay a lesser spiderqueen!

I'd like to interpret Dagmor as a gladius, short swort or falchion rather than a bastard sword then.Something Beren would have used as a sidearm to his throwing spear (which of course does not use an atlatl but an amentum)
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He needs something to cut through cobwebs... and possibly slay a lesser spiderqueen!

I'd like to interpret Dagmor as a gladius, short swort or falchion rather than a bastard sword then.Something Beren would have used as a sidearm to his throwing spear (which of course does not use an atlatl but an amentum)

On a atlatl or fixed to the javelin?
Here a comparison:
And a spear-thrower - in spite of its name - uses overised arrows called darts. 😉
Something Beren would have used as a sidearm to his throwing spear (which of course does not use an atlatl but an amentum).

No atlatl for Beren? What a pity as I've just designed one - given that the hunted animal was the one often carved on it I went with a spider with its fangs as the hook - here (I got myself a resin printer in the meantime) printed in 35% size (100% would not fit my printer):

Imagine it in wood or bone or antler.
Ooo... i love that medieval irish spear/javelin!

The first video is a variant of kestros, isn't it?

What do we want him to use it for? If he fights against orcs, thennhe should use heavier javelins that wpuld possibly pierce their shields... amentum clearly gets the upper hand.

But if he mostly hunts and kills lots of great spiders then we should use shorter, lighter darts... which would speak for the atlatl indeed.
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He needs something to cut through cobwebs... and possibly slay a lesser spiderqueen!

I'd like to interpret Dagmor as a gladius, short swort or falchion rather than a bastard sword then.Something Beren would have used as a sidearm to his throwing spear (which of course does not use an atlatl but an amentum)
My interpretation was Dagmor was as an arming sword.