And, our outline, and progress update post: (Last Edited 10/16/21)
The Silmarillion Film Project Season 5, Episode 13: Central conflict: A-Plot: Protagonist: Fingolfin B-Plot: POV character: Frame: The older son and Gandalf flee to Gondor. Episode Outline Teaser: Frame - Harad - Teaser: Confrontation between the Brothers - Younger brother...
Teaser: Not Started
Confrontation between brothers
ACT 1: Written
Scene 1: Written
Fingolfin's army thrown into full retreat
Scene 2: Written
Finrod joins the battle. It goes poorly.
Scene 3: Written
Gate of Himring has fallen
Scene 4: Written
Glaurung attacks Keep Helevorn
ACT II: Written
Scene 5: Written
Fingolfin's army routed to Barad Eithel
Scene 6: Written
Barahir rescues Finrod
Scene 7: Written
Assault on Himring Broken
Scene 8: Written
Amras rescues Caranthir
ACT III: Incomplete
Scene 9: Written
Ring of Barahir given
Scene 10: Written
Settling in montage
Scene 11a: Written
Sauron breaks things down
Scene 11b: Written
Maedhros breaks things down
Scene 12: Written
Debate at Barad Eithel
ACT IV: Incomplete
Scene 13: Written
Fingolfin sets off for Angband
Scene 14: Not Started
Finrod and Andreth in Brethil
Scene 15: Incomplete
The Duel
Scene 16: Not Started
Frame - Incanus and Abrazan escape
Tag: Not Started
Final Montage
Gandalf and Abrazan arrive at Harlond