Yes, there is obviously a difference between martial arts and actual battle techniques, not the least of which is the equipment involved. But it's also an entirely different mindset when you are an individual fighting a single opponent vs a member of a group fighting another group. Military strategy and tactics aren't focused on training a single soldier, but on training a
group of soldiers to work together.
Tolkien does have some female fighters in his stories, and we will be depicting that on some level. I agree that your average human woman wouldn't be particularly good at melee combat, but of course there are the exceptions. I would expect Haleth to fight with a sword, for instance.
I don't want to have us choreograph fight scenes in which tiny little wisps take down critters twice their size like it's nothing. I'd certainly prefer some realism to what is portrayed. But obviously 'realism' is not typically the guiding standard of stage fighting on film. An actor or actress does not have to be strong enough to actually take down the stunt guys; they just have to swing convincingly.
For those not familiar with naginata, it looks like this:
Super dated documentary clip
And in competition
A light-weight weapon that gives you significant reach advantage can be good for someone who is smaller or not as strong as their opponent,
especially if the opponent has a shorter weapon. That was why I mentioned this in the context of women fighting and not always with bows and arrows (which are typically given to women fighters because they are range weapons, but certainly do require significant strength to use well). For a real life example, the Empress was in command of the cannons during the Battle of Adwa in 1895 when the Ethiopians defeated the Italians. Cannons....are the ultimate range weapons! I don't expect we'll have cannons in our story
But if you are going to fight in close quarters, there are techniques you can use against a taller or heavier opponent that take advantage of your own lower center of gravity. Once you take out your opponent's knees, it's much easier to lop the head off.....